We are excited to announce that The Audio Business has been appointed the exclusive UK distributor for the amazing POWERGRIP YG-3 Power Console


Available in the UK for the first time, POWERGRIP is not just another mains conditioner…

Whether used to power a HiFi system, AV system or complete Custom Installation rack, the 12-socket POWERGRIP YG-3 is amongst the most highly specified products of its type, featuring power conditioning, filtering, DC protection, and surge protection, all of which can be utilised or not depending on the connected device via the front panel set up menu. Ultimately, the YG-3 has been designed to deliver the very finest power supply to a wide-range of AV products, and gives the user total control over how they choose to use it.

The twelve sockets can be set to be active all the time, as you might expect from a conventional mains conditioner, but they can also be assigned into six separate groups. These groups can be independently powered on and off depending on whether they are needed at the time. The shutdown and power up times can also be adjusted to allow for connected equipment to correctly shut down before the switch off occurs.

Mains filtering can also be adjusted as well. Not every piece of audio equipment will benefit from external filtering and some companies actively advise against it. The YG-3 allows for sockets in a specific group to run unfiltered, while still benefiting from active surge and DC protection. In combination with the adjustable DC protection settings, you can configure the YG-3 in such a way that it delivers the optimal protection and filtering for your system rather than a brute force approach that might not work for everything you own.

A 12v trigger allows for external startup and shut down and it has a full RS-232 protocol for custom installation use. The YG-3 is also equipped with WiFi which allows for app control via a phone or tablet. Download and install the Ewelink app and you can access the extensive functionality of the YG-3 over a network.

The brushed aluminium casework is placed on three isolating feet and the mains sockets are angled to simplify cable management. The 150mm height represents impressively space efficient packaging for a 12 socket device and means that the unit is easy to accommodate (19″ rack mount brackets are also included). The front display has a number of different modes to display the information you want to see in the most convenient way and you can also change the colour of both the text and the background and then adjust the brightness to ensure that it matches other displays in your system.

One of the most comprehensive power consoles available, and we are truly delighted to be representing POWERGRIP in the UK market.  It needs to be experienced, so give us a call to try one now!


Talk to us about becoming a POWERGRIP dealer!